Wednesday, January 29, 2014


سروسسجگرمیں فبروسیس, گانٹھ ۔ گومڑی کا بڑے پیمانے بن جانا جگر کی ساخت میں غیر معمولی، ناقابل واپسی تبدیلیاں کا ہوجانا

Sunday, January 26, 2014

وائرل ہیپاٹائٹس

 وائرل ہیپاٹائٹس
 وائرل ہیپاٹائٹس 4 ہیں  اے- بی – سی اور ڈی تمام ایک طبی تصویر پیش کر تےہیں ان اقسام کو لیبارٹری ٹیسٹنگ سےالگ کیا جاتا ہے طویل مد تی  کےساتھ وسیع پیمانے پر مختلف ہوتے ہیں عام وائرل وجوہات متعدی یک نکلیائی خلیوں میں اضافہ ، خُلیے بَڑھ جاتے ہَیں زرد بخاربھی شامل ہیں

Friday, January 24, 2014

What is aloe vera? - Medical News Today

What is aloe vera? - Medical News Today

botanical name(s): Aloe latifolia, Aloe vera,
Aloe barbadensis, Aloe officinalis
synonyms: aloe, bitter aloe, cape aloe, barbados aloe,
curacao aloe, bombay aloe, acibar
part(s) used: resin. Note: The leaf gel, commonly consumed as a
cleansing juice preparation, is a different product. (McGuffin, p.7)
qualities: bitter, cool, moist
affinities: intestines, skin
actions: laxative on lower gastrointestinal (slow acting
10-15 hours), can also be a purgative; cathartic; bitter tonic, stomachic,
hepatic; vermifuge/anthelmintic; emmenagogue; vulnerary, demulcent, and
» tincture: 1 - 4 ml.
» resin: 100 - 300 mg
therapy: atonic constipation; burns; to increase menstrual
flow; insect bites; asthma
AHPA Botanical Safety Rating: 2b
toxicity: 1
» toxicity varies
between different species and varieties of Aloe; barbaloin can be very griping
(especially in dried form) and cause severe intestinal irritation; Aloe vera,
which has very little, if any, barbaloin, is usually considered non-toxic
» see anthraquinone gastrointestinal toxidrome
» contraindicated in pregnancy and cases of menorrhagia or metrorrhagia; also in patients with gastrointestinal inflammation, irritable
plethoric conditions and hemorrhoids
; not to be used by patients with
chronic constipation
(Felter and Lloyd, pp. 151-152; Morton, pp. 47-50;
U.S. Dispensatory, pp. 46-50)
» produces
catharsis in nursing child (Morton, pp. 47-50)
» may cause or
potentiate kidney irritation (Brooks)
» contraindicated in children younger than 12 due to depletion of electrolytes and water (De Smet)
» Extended use of more than
8-10 days may c

Anal fistula homeopathic treatment - Health Tips

Anal fistula homeopathic treatment - Health Tips

Aloe vera: Heaviness and stricture of rectum; sensation of heat
and burning in rectum; itching, pulsating in rectum, < sitting; after stool,
burning weight and itching in anus; cutting as if still more would come;
fullness and pressing out of the anus

therapeutic foods:
foods rich in
Vitamins A, E and C
foods rich in

specific remedies:
flax seed tea twice
flax seed tea
strained, 1/4 cup in rectum before bed as a retention enema
meat, alcohol, hot sauces, spicy
foods, fried foods, fatty foods, rich foods, salty foods, coffee, caffeine,
sweet foods and sugar